Finding Work Abroad

People who move from one country to another are often surprised to find just how difficult it is to secure a job in their new location. They worry about finding appropriate property, the best places to find new medical professionals, types of mortgages available and so on, but take for granted that they will find work.

However, the truth is that almost all countries that have a work force are stringent in their laws when it comes to who can be hired and who can't. Unless you are buying real estate strictly for retirement or investment purposes, you need to find a job, so having a few leads in the right direction can really help out your peace of mind.

Clear the Red Tape

The very first thing you have to be concerned about are government regulations about who can work in your new country and where you can work. You don't have to have a job in country in order to move there, but if you don't you had better have some money saved up to tide you over until the red tape is cleared!

In most industrially advanced countries, that means securing some kind of visa. Work visas are necessary whether you are an individual entrepreneur looking to set up a Dyneema rope business (click the link for an example), or work in a lumber mill. You'll have to fill out an application stating exactly what you are planning to do for work and why you are choosing the current location to do it.

Knowing about the bureaucratic process is just the first step. Unless you have had the fortune to be recruited by a great firm or some other headhunting company, you will have to find a job before you can successfully apply for a visa.

Finding a Job

Most of us have trouble finding a job in our own countries, let alone a foreign land. The best way to start is by talking to any potential leads you may have. Do you have friends from university or another school, family, or former co-workers now residing in the country you want to move to? Start looking for a job by asking them what is available. They might even be able to get you a lead into their work location, it's always worth asking!

If you don't know anyone, then you have to get down to some pavement pounding, millennium style. That means sitting down and doing some Internet research on companies you could work for in the new country. Almost all company websites include an employment section. Make sure you accurately fill out any information requested here. Just like a paper based CV, put down any additional training you may have working at in order to sell yourself better.

Now, the hard part begins, and that is the waiting process. Unless you have skills that are in high demand, such as nursing or other medical specialties, securing a foreign job is very difficult these days. You may have a lot of experience programming a cryptocard program for your company, but so do locals. Finding a job is usually a matter of luck, and we wish you the best!

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